Saturday 23 March 2013

3 Months Later

Hi all,

I cannot believe three months ago I left Australia to start my exchange program in Charleston, West Virginia, United States of America. In those three months, I have learnt more about myself and the world around me than I could have ever imagined. I have the most amazing host family that are so willing to show me everything about America and all it has to see. I have the most amazing group of friends at school who are always there for me and teach me so much about life as an American teenager.

Sometimes it feels like these three months have flown past but then there are also times when time couldn't go any slower. But every moment has been amazing and I wouldn't change it for the world! An exchange program has been 10x better than any holiday I could have taken to America. I feel like I am seeing the backstreets instead of the main roads and highways. I'm seeing all of the smaller things that no tourist could ever see and that's why this experience has been so amazing. I get to see the daily lives of people who are so different to who I am and being able to see what they do makes me reflect on some of my own choices.

Since my last blog entry, I have been fortunate enough to travel to Ohio for a day and that one day was amazing! Unfortunately, Amy had to attend a conference so it was just Marc, Jeremiah, Caroline and myself exploring all Ohio has to offer in one day. We spent the majority of the day at COSI (pronounced co sigh), Ohio's Science Museum, where we each picked an exhibit that we wanted to explore. Caroline's choice was first and she chose Poseidon, an exhibit about the Greek myth and water. It was so cool to walk through a tunnel and ending up in a water playground. There were water guns, pipes to build and waves to make everywhere and we spend a large majority of time in that exhibit. The next exhibit we went to was my choice. In honour of my Dad's love of space, I chose to go to an exhibit on space. We played games simulating a flight landing, docking the ISS (International Space Station) and refuelling mid-flight. Then we walked through a gateway which lead to an open area that allowed you to fly a space probe, ride in a simulated space ship and explore what it is like to live in the ISS, with all the food and space laid out to give you a realistic standpoint. While in the space exhibit, we were given the opportunity to ride a unicycle on a tightrope in mid air. Jeremiah and I were the only ones to do it and it was so scary but so much fun at the same time! We left to have lunch at a German Jewish restaurant (Marc's choice as he loves this kind of food!) and it was amazing! I had the best meal ever! It was a sandwich shop and those sandwiches were amazing! After retuning to the museum, we went to Jeremiah's pick of exhibits, Life, where we raced each other in reaction times, went into an echo free room, saw medical advancements and exhibits (like real fetus') and tested our strength and flexibility. The last pick of the day was Marc's and he chose an exhibit called Maze. There we enjoyed several mind puzzles, mazes, optical illusions and thinking games. After enjoying all the museum has to offer we went to an ice cream shop that boasts it is the best in Ohio. Taking my exchange motto "Try everything you can and take every opportunity" I decided to pick flavours of ice cream I had never tried before. I picked a of trio baby scoops of salted caramel, wild berry sorbet and lavender ice cream! It was amazing and they are definitely (from my perspective) the best ice cream I have had since arriving in the United States. After taking a stroll around the Ohio streets, we went and picked up Amy and made our way home.

In next week is SPRING BREAK! And I am fortunate enough to be able to go with my host family to Florida! I am so excited for this holiday and to finally feel some warm weather. Its about a 10 hour drive down to Florida so we will leave on Friday morning and hopefully get there Friday night. Amy's mum, dad, siblings and their spouses and children will be there as we play on the beach, go to Disney World and have a nice relaxing week off. Unfortunately I won't be able to stay for the whole week as I have to leave on Thursday to go to STATES! My thespian (acting) group at school won our regional division making us eligible for the state competition at Marshall University on the friday, saturday and sunday of Spring Break! Im so excited to compete and have fun with my theatre family. They have all been telling me stories of what states is like and how much fun they have so I am beyond excited to go and enjoy the time off.

School has been the best thing of my exchange program because I have been able to fully immerse myself into American life as a teenager. Plus, I have met so many people that are so different and diverse. They always keep my days fun and exciting and they are all so interested in Australia and what we do and don't do (contrary to popular beliefs). Every day is a new adventure with these people and I cannot wait for the next one to start!

Today (23rd of March) is my Dads birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! I'm a little sad that I wont be  able to be with him today but I hope the gift that I sent him makes up for it! I love you Dad and I hope that you had a wonderful day and Alex and Mum got you some great gifts and helped you have a great day.

Three months away from anything is a very long time and thinking that I haven't seen my family and friends in that long is so surreal. Some days are better than others as I miss my family and friends on some occasions but then I think that they wouldn't want me to be sulking around while so many opportunities pass me by so I have learnt to put my homesickness aside and make every opportunity my own and live this time to the maximum! 3 months down, 9 months to go! Im so excited for these 9 months and all they have to offer!

Love you all!
