Monday 21 January 2013

14 - 20 Jan 2013

Hi All,

This week went so quickly! I think its because I have school to fill in my days. I haven't had too much happening Monday through Friday just because I am at school but there are still some exciting things that happen during my days. Just because my days are filled with school, I am now going to summarise Monday through Friday and then Saturday and Sunday.

Monday 14, Tuesday 15, Wednesday 16, Thursday 17 and Friday 18 Jan 2013
This was my first full week of school and by the end of it I was so exhausted. I had to get used to the routine of coming home from school and doing more school work but I don't mind because it is all new for me. This week I had my first blocking session for the school competition play. It was a whole new experience for me. Capital High is one of the top performing arts schools in the region so when they do any sort of theatre, they go for it! It was very intense working with Mr. Corbett but I know he is so dedicated to his job and only wants the play to be great. He gave me some amazing feedback and pointers and I feel like I have learnt so much in just that one rehearsal. On Wednesday night, the girls from my acting class invited me along to a teenage church for a night mass. One of my close friends, Brittany, even invited me over to her house beforehand. It was amazing to see a different side of Charleston. She lives out in the 'country' but I would just classify it as in the mountains just south of Charleston. It was so beautiful out there and her family was so nice! We spent the afternoon looking at prom magazines and even planned a shopping trip to Ohio so that the girls can have a better selection of prom dresses (I'm just using my formal dress! I love it to bits!) Friday was a special occasion for Capital High as we held the annual Multicultural assembly. It was great to see how American high schools do assemblies. It started off with a huge student band playing the national anthem and the VIP's (Choir) singing the national anthem. The ROTC (student military) marched in holding the United States flag and the West Virginia flag as the students and staff proceeded to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. My friend, Amanda, won a state competition for a speech on whether the Constitution is relevant today. She recited her speech on stage and it was amazing! She talked so well and I felt proud to know that she is my friend. She even gets to meet Barack Obama!! On Friday night, Amy, Caroline, Jeremiah and I left for Canaan Valley where we would spend the weekend skiing.

Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 Jan 2013
This weekend was a skiing weekend. I have not skied for 5 years and so it took me a while to remember the basics of skiing. We stayed with Amy's brother, Jay and his wife, Heidi and their three kids, Jake, Jesse and Isabelle. We spent the mornings skiing, came home for lunch and then skied until 4-5pm. I was only a beginner compared to the rest but I felt like I had accomplished so much just by not falling over once! I even went on some slopes! The valley and its views were great! The only downside was that it did not snow once. I was hoping that it would snow so that I could ski while snow was falling but it was just not my luck this time. This weekend has been the best by far and I cannot wait to go again! Lets hope that I can build up some courage so that I can go on some more challenging ski slopes.

Next week at school is Spirit Week! I'm so excited to participate in an American high school tradition. Next week also is the Martin Luther King holiday and the day Barack Obama is re-inagurated as President which I am so excited to watch!

Until next time,

Ellie xxxx

Sunday 13 January 2013

7-13 Jan 2013

Hi All,

This week has been so exciting! So here is what I did :)

Monday 7 Jan 2013
Today was a momentous occasion for Amy as she received $130 000 of funding for her project which helps kids walk and bike to school. She will be upgrading sidewalks and helping children with no or a broken bike find the means so that they can get to school without having their parents drive them. Marc, Caroline and I attended the ceremony in support of Amy and I was lucky enough to meet the Governor of West Virginia! That night we went to Jeremiah's basketball game where his team won! WOO!

Tuesday 8 Jan 2013
Today was just a relax day so Amy and I stayed home until Caroline came home then we took her to tennis and went to see Capital High. It is huge! I was so excited to finally start going to an American school.

Wednesday 9 Jan 2013
Officially a Capital High student! WOO! I registered for Capital today and got to choose my subjects. It was required that I do English, Algebra 2, Biology and Contemporary History and my electives were Forensic Science, Acting 2 and TV Production. I walked around the school with the counsellor. She took me to meet the acting teacher just to ask if it was ok to join the class. As I stood in the doorway talking to him, I could hear the kids in the class hushing each other just to hear me speak! It was a little overwhelming when the teacher told me I had to audition for the class. He told me to come back the next day at 12 with a monologue prepared. I went home and practiced until I knew it off by heart!

Thursday 10 Jan 2013
Audition Day! At noon, I went back into Capital High to audition for Acting 2. I met the teacher, Mr Corbett, and went into his office for an interview where I said my name, acting experience and any general facts about myself then I performed my monologue. I was so nervous but Mr Corbett seemed to be passionate about the performing arts so I knew that if I went all out that it would be ok because he understood. I PASSED! Then Mr Corbett proceeded to tell me that I must be a part of ALL performances and that the auditions for the next performance were that afternoon! At the auditions, I met so many amazing people! They were all so welcoming and I felt at ease after meeting them all! I even recognised one from Cougar TV (the TV show that reports on all the things happening at the school). Shayna, Angel, Brittany, Amanda, Ethan, Wesley, George, Nayde, Colleen, Darienne, Daniel, Madisyn, Charlyn and Catlyn are all the people that I met at the auditions! They made me so excited to start at Capital.

Friday 11 Jan 2013
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! AHHH! I was so nervous to start school but as soon as I met some new people who were so amazingly nice I felt my nerves disappear. I met a girl who showed me to my homeroom where I met so many outgoing people including, my now great friend, Hayley. They were all so nice (I have said that so much but I am serious EVERYONE I met at Capital was nice!) It made me feel like I was at Columbans again sitting in PC with my Duhig 3 family, but this is my new school family and they make me laugh so much with their outgoing personalities! I went to each of my classes (with some help from some kind people) and met my teachers and classmates who, again, were amazingly nice! Then lunch came and I was so hungry but after hearing all the things about the cafeteria food I was a little hesitant about eating it. As I waited in line, I felt like everyones eyes were on me, I heard them whispering 'She's from Australia' 'That's the new exchange student'. I knew that they werent saying anything mean but it was just that fact that people were talking about me made me feel weird. Not a bad weird but a good weird ahahah if that makes any sense. After all my classes, I had to catch the bus home. That's right a big, yellow, American school bus! I was so nervous but I met another amazingly nice girl by the name of Keirsten, she helped me find my stop became such a great friend to me. All throughout the day, Angel kept asking about the Snowflake ball that was that night but I had to keep saying I couldn't go because of other commitments. I was a little bummed that I couldn't go but I knew that they were always going to be other dances. When I got home, Amy informed me that Marc was sick so we couldn't go to the dinner we were supposed to so I asked if I could go to the dance that night. Amy said yes and we went to Macy's to find an outfit. After 30 minutes I found the perfect dress and shoes so we raced home so I could do my hair and make-up and head off. I arrived at Capital just in time and saw the commons area be transformed into a winter wonderland. It was just like the movies! I met up with Angel and Hayley and we danced for a little bit until I met up with Keirsten and her boyfriend Caleb. They were both so sweet and we danced together for the majority of the night but not before a nice guy by the name of Marshall asked me to dance! It was so cute! Again, just like the movies. It was a slow dance so we swayed side to side with Angel and her date. Marshall was so nice as to dance with me, I feel like I have made another great friend! That day and night was one of the best of my life (so far) and I cannot thank the wonderful people that I now call my friends for making it an amazing day!

Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 Jan 2013
The weekend! It was a very creative weekend as Amy, Caroline and I created truth cards for girls in countries who have escaped horrible circumstances so that they would be able to look at the cards and feel loved. We also went to an uncork and create session where we painted the Charleston skyline in a step by step process lead by the artist.

This week has been so eventful and so amazing! I feel so lucky to have such an amazing opportunity and I am trying my hardest to take everything in and to try every opportunity that comes my way!

Until next time,

Ellie xxxxxxx

Sunday 6 January 2013

2 - 6 Jan 2013

Hi All,

Sorry I haven't been posting as much as I would like - its difficult to find time. Therefore, I have decided to update on a weekly basis outlining all the days of that week and a quick summary of what I did each day.

Wednesday 2 Jan 2013
Today I volunteered at a food pantry where I stocked shelves with the food donations and served clients who were in need of food. This experience was so fantastic and it helped me see Charleston in a different light. There are no homeless people on the streets of Charleston because they have fantastic programs, just like the food pantry, that give people easy access to daily items like food and shelter that they need so desperately. Of course you have to fit a certain criteria to be eligible for this program but I think that it should be somewhat adopted in Australia where the need is identified.

Thursday 3 Jan 2013
Another day off, another volunteering day. Caroline's school library mostly runs on volunteer parents and friends to file books and do other jobs, so Amy took me here to help out for the morning. As soon as we walked into the building, Caroline ran up to us, eager to show me all around the school. We planned for a tour at a later time, so I helped up in the library filing books for a while until she came in and took me on a tour. Once the tour had concluded, with the final stop being her classroom, I decided to do my first talk on Australia to Caroline's 5th grade classmates. I began by stating my name, age and where in Australia I was from. Then the questions descended upon me. They ranged from my favourite Australian food to the deadly animals in Australia to the kinds of TV shows and music played in Australia. All in all, I spoke and answered questions for 90 minutes. I felt so accomplished afterwards knowing that I had educated a younger generation on the life that Australians live. I hope that I inspired them to one day be an exchange student in other country. Whether it be Australia or not relies solely on them.

Friday 4 Jan 2013
After a small sleep in, Amy took me out to lunch at a fantastic restaurant called First Watch (weird name I know but the food was amazing!) There we ran into Marc who was on a business lunch so we just said a quick hello and goodbye. I was so thankful for this time with Amy because she shed some light on her exchange program and what it was like for her. I really look up to Amy because she is so confident in every decision that she makes. She is so wise and makes me feel so comfortable to be around her. I felt like I know her on another level now after hearing her stories on what her exchange program taught her. After lunch we picked Caroline up from school and went to the Clay Centre (like the Science Centre in Brisbane) where we had so much fun playing games and learning. When we were leaving, I spotted a photo booth so Caroline and I got in and took some photos which then printed out and now are on my mirror. It was a great end to a great day.

Saturday 5 Jan 2013 and Sunday 6 Jan 2013
These two days can be summarised into one word. Shopping. The mall here in Charleston is 3 levels full of American shops, some of which I have not yet discovered. I love the mall here, while it might not be big, the shops that fill it are amazing!

Love you and miss you all <3

Until next time!

Ellie xxxx

Tuesday 1 January 2013

How time flies!

Hi All,

It has been four days since I arrived in Charleston and so much has happened already! Charleston is a beautiful place and the Weintraub family is great. They are so kind and excited to take me place and show me things :) School for me doesn't start until the 11th of January so I have a few more weeks to settle in and do some exciting things! Here is a run down of what I did on each of the four days.

Saturday 29 Dec 2012
My first day in Charleston was amazing! I woke up feeling a little under the weather due to the jet lag but I put it all aside and chose to have a fantastic day. Caroline, Amy, Marc and I went to the mall to organise a few things. Our first stop was the AT&T shop where we organised a new sim card for my phone. The gentleman who served us was so kind and excited to hear of someone from Australia. I decided to give him one of the many 5c pieces that I dedicated to handing out to people. His response was astonishing, he was so humbled by the fact that I gave him something like that. He was interested in what the symbol meant and its dollar value in Australia. In return, he gave me a $1 bill which he personally signed. It was a great gesture :) Caroline then proceeded to give me the ultimate tour of the mall in which we went into so many stores! I didn't end up purchasing anything but it was still an experience I will never forget. That night, I saw snow falling for the first time in my life. It was so magical seeing these tiny snowflakes form a thick layer of white all over the houses, cars, roofs, plants and ground. I made sure that I took a lot of photos so that the memories will truly stay with me forever.

Sunday 30 Dec 2012
After sleeping for about 6 hours my body decided that sleeping was not a priority and I needed to wake up. Today was another day of firsts, the first time I went to a UU service and my first American shopping experience. That morning, Amy took Caroline and I to a service for Unitarian Universalists (a religion in which 7 principles are abided by to live a good life e.g. Acceptance of all people, respect for the web of life and all creatures) It was a real eye-opening experience and I am so excited to go again! After lunch, Amy took me shopping to a few discount malls, the American version of DFO, where I purchased 6 jumpers, 2 pairs of jeans and a jacket all for $120! It was great to see my money going far and rewarding to finally purchase something after holding back for so long leading up to my exchange program. That afternoon, Jeremiah came home after being in NY with his grandparents and cousin. It was great to finally meet him as he is so kind and caring. I also went grocery shopping with Marc which was a great way to learn about American food. THERE IS SO MUCH VARIETY! You can buy so many things and for half the price that we would usually pay!

Monday 31 Dec 2012
After my first full night of sleep, I awoke feeling refreshed, knowing that my jet lag had finally disappeared. As it was NYE, Amy and Marc planned to have some friends over for dinner and some games. Jeremiah, Caroline and I all helped out doing various jobs. Mine included setting the table and sweeping the porch (*cough cough mum and dad*). That night was so much fun! After meeting Jenny and Denny, Andrew, Hallie, Cora and Matilda, the night began with dinner which was great because Amy had purchased me some 'bangers' that reminded me of home and which everyone had a taste of and liked :) Then the games began. We split into 4 teams and I was on a team with Amy, Cora and Denny which was so much fun! We played ticket to ride (an american game in which you have to connect certain cities by train to complete a route), pickup sticks and (my favourite) jenga. The time finally approached midnight and we all sat around the TV watching the glitter ball drop and countdown begin in NY. I have always dreamed of viewing it live which I achieved that night and hopefully next year I will get to see it in the flesh!

Tuesday 1 Jan 2013
Today was a relax day so Amy, Caroline and I decided to go and see Les Mis which took up most of our day so nothing too exciting happened. I did get to try American Mac and Cheese for the first time which was amazing. Caroline and Jeremiah start school tomorrow so they were living up the last moments of their holidays by sitting on the couch watching Spongebob.

Tomorrow I will volunteer for a food pantry place where I will sort donations of food and do jobs that will hopefully lift the burden off some of the full time volunteers :) Im so excited to be in America and finally live my dream. So far, this exchange has been everything and more and I feel so grateful (especially towards my parents) for being given this opportunity of a lifetime!

Love and miss you all dearly!

Ellie xxxxxxx