Monday 21 January 2013

14 - 20 Jan 2013

Hi All,

This week went so quickly! I think its because I have school to fill in my days. I haven't had too much happening Monday through Friday just because I am at school but there are still some exciting things that happen during my days. Just because my days are filled with school, I am now going to summarise Monday through Friday and then Saturday and Sunday.

Monday 14, Tuesday 15, Wednesday 16, Thursday 17 and Friday 18 Jan 2013
This was my first full week of school and by the end of it I was so exhausted. I had to get used to the routine of coming home from school and doing more school work but I don't mind because it is all new for me. This week I had my first blocking session for the school competition play. It was a whole new experience for me. Capital High is one of the top performing arts schools in the region so when they do any sort of theatre, they go for it! It was very intense working with Mr. Corbett but I know he is so dedicated to his job and only wants the play to be great. He gave me some amazing feedback and pointers and I feel like I have learnt so much in just that one rehearsal. On Wednesday night, the girls from my acting class invited me along to a teenage church for a night mass. One of my close friends, Brittany, even invited me over to her house beforehand. It was amazing to see a different side of Charleston. She lives out in the 'country' but I would just classify it as in the mountains just south of Charleston. It was so beautiful out there and her family was so nice! We spent the afternoon looking at prom magazines and even planned a shopping trip to Ohio so that the girls can have a better selection of prom dresses (I'm just using my formal dress! I love it to bits!) Friday was a special occasion for Capital High as we held the annual Multicultural assembly. It was great to see how American high schools do assemblies. It started off with a huge student band playing the national anthem and the VIP's (Choir) singing the national anthem. The ROTC (student military) marched in holding the United States flag and the West Virginia flag as the students and staff proceeded to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. My friend, Amanda, won a state competition for a speech on whether the Constitution is relevant today. She recited her speech on stage and it was amazing! She talked so well and I felt proud to know that she is my friend. She even gets to meet Barack Obama!! On Friday night, Amy, Caroline, Jeremiah and I left for Canaan Valley where we would spend the weekend skiing.

Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 Jan 2013
This weekend was a skiing weekend. I have not skied for 5 years and so it took me a while to remember the basics of skiing. We stayed with Amy's brother, Jay and his wife, Heidi and their three kids, Jake, Jesse and Isabelle. We spent the mornings skiing, came home for lunch and then skied until 4-5pm. I was only a beginner compared to the rest but I felt like I had accomplished so much just by not falling over once! I even went on some slopes! The valley and its views were great! The only downside was that it did not snow once. I was hoping that it would snow so that I could ski while snow was falling but it was just not my luck this time. This weekend has been the best by far and I cannot wait to go again! Lets hope that I can build up some courage so that I can go on some more challenging ski slopes.

Next week at school is Spirit Week! I'm so excited to participate in an American high school tradition. Next week also is the Martin Luther King holiday and the day Barack Obama is re-inagurated as President which I am so excited to watch!

Until next time,

Ellie xxxx

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