Sunday 19 May 2013

Spring Break!

Hey Guys,

Spring Break was one of the most relaxing but fun weeks of my life. It started on the 29th of March when Amy, Caroline, Jeremiah and I left early in the morning to drive 10 hours to Florida! While it was a long drive, I got to see more states of the United States including Georgia and North and South Carolina. We stopped for lunch and snacks and after 9 hours of driving we arrived in Jacksonville to stay for the night. The next morning we drove an hour and a half to our final destination, Ormond Beach. There, we met up with Amy's parents and Amy's brother's children, Izzy, Jake and Jesse. 

Our hotel was right on the beach so before we did anything, all the children ran onto the beach. This was the first time I had seen the beach in close to 3 months! While it was much cooler than what I am used to, just being able to see the beach (something I took for granted) was great! Later that day, Amy's brother and sister and their families arrived and I soon felt a part of their family because they were so welcoming.

The next few days consisted of relaxing on the beach, playing beach soccer as the sun set and boogie boarding in the waves. It was great to just relax and not have to worry about school or rehearsals. The children all had so much fun racing between the cold sea water and the scolding spa water. 

On Tuesday, Amy took Caroline, Jeremiah, Haley, Izzy, Jake, Jesse and myself to......DISNEYWORLD! It was one of the greatest experiences of my whole exchange experience! I saw Cinderella's Castle, which was one of my dreams! It was so beautiful and seeing it evolve as the sun set was beautiful! We went on heaps of rides including the wild west ride where I was partnered with Caroline and we both felt like we were going to fall out, but that made it more fun! As the night progressed and the park became fuller with people, the ride wait times became longer and so we just walked around taking in everything including the fireworks and laser show at the castle. It was a great way to spend the day and I cannot thank Amy enough for taking me there!! 

Unfortunately, the WV State Thespian Festival was on the same week as Spring Break so I had to leave early but I don't regret it one bit because I had so much fun rooming with Izabel and Shayna, watching so many acts, doing workshops and, of course, performing. The festival was 3 days long and it included a dance on the 2nd night which was so much fun because I got to have fun with all of my theatre friends and the new friends I met at the festival. That night we had dinner with Huntington High and it was great to get to know people, who were considered our rivals, as our friends and form friendships that will last forever! 

The spring break week was one of the best of my life and I will never forget the memories I made during that week!

Until next time,



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