Saturday 2 February 2013

21 Jan - 2 Feb 2013

Hi all,

Sorry I haven't posted in 2 weeks, the internet crashed and I haven't had time to write the weeks summary...until now :)

Monday 21 Jan - Friday 25 Jan 2013

Monday was Martin Luther King Jnr. day, and I was lucky enough to be able to listen to President Obama's Inauguration for the first time ever!! It was so great to hear him say the oath and then give his speech. It will be something I will never forget. This week was crazy with rehearsals for the competition play. A rare thing also happened this week, I experienced my first 'early dismissal' due to bad weather!! I got home at 1pm and had the rest of the day to relax...I even got a small nap in because I have been so tired from waking up early and going to bed late for school and rehearsals but I wouldn't have it any other way!! I also had my first ever exam and of course it was Algebra but I think I did well so thats a plus. Not much happened during the week especially with school and rehearsals on.

Saturday 26 Jan (AUSTRALIA DAY!!) and Sunday 28 Jan 2013

WOO! Happy Australia Day everyone!! I celebrated this Australia Day the best way I could think of...with friends and family. My theatre friends (shout out to you you guys xxx) and I went to the mall and had the most exciting day ever. We went shopping and I made them all honorary Australians for the day and even gave some of them temporary tattoos of the Australian flag. I gave everyone a toothpick flag so they knew it was Australia Day and they could remember it. We tried to se a movie but they were all R17+ and my friends are mostly 16 so that didn't end up happening (an Australian MA15+ movie somehow equates to an American R17+ movie...don't ask me how it just does ok?!?) This was the best day I have had so far and I cannot thank everyone enough for it!! On Sunday, I had a belated Australia Day party with the Weintraub family and I even made them pavlova (which they absolutely loved!!). Overall, this weekend was great!!

Monday 29 Jan - Friday 31 Jan 2013

This week was a eventful week. On Tuesday, I had my first ever Capital High School Theatre performance for the incoming freshmen and I think it was a success because they couldn't stop laughing (don't's a comedy). We only performed the first 5 minutes just to give them a preview of what they could be a part of if they decided to join the theatre program when they come to Capital. The audience included my host brother Jeremiah, who later said that it was a great performance. That night, we performed once again for the parents and of course Amy and Marc were in the crowd. They also said that I did a great job so I am proud of myself. On Wednesday we had another early out, only this time it was scheduled. So I got home at 1pm and had a relaxing afternoon. Friday was a snow day so I had no school at all!! WOO! I got to have a wonderful sleep in and a relaxing day.

Saturday 1 Jan and Sunday 2 Jan 2013

Due to the snow, I haven't been able to do much at all, so this weekend has been a stay at home weekend where I have had a Law and Order: SVU and doing my English questions. Tomorrow, I am going to Amy's church to help out in the nursery so that will be exciting, then I am going to the YWCA (gym) to play (or learn) how to play basketball with some friends.

I love you and miss you all xxxx

Until next time,

Ellie xxxxx

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