Sunday 10 February 2013

3 - 10 Feb 2013

Hi all,

This week has been quite an eventful week, full of new experiences and tiresome rehearsals. Heres what happened this week:


This would usually go with last weeks but I thought it deserved a full report!! Sunday marked my first ever Super Bowl experience and trust me, it was worth the 4 hours it took to play the game! As I had (and still don't to this day...) no idea which team was better than the other, my Dad informed me to go for the San Francisco 49ers over the Baltimore Ravens which seemed like a logical choice to me. I got home after at 5:45 after a small workout to find the lounge room set up and food awaiting consumption including the traditional chicken wings and greek salad with a key lime pie for dessert. The game started and I was so excited to final watch a Super Bowl live on TV instead of hearing about it the next day but by the 30 minute mark I was beyond bored...there were so many ads some of which were funny but most of which were just boring. But by the half time show I was excited again to see Beyonce perform with the slight hope that Destiny's Child would perform together (they were my favourite band when I was younger!!) and they did!! After the half time show I had no real interest in watching the game but I did want to watch the end so I decided to go and have a shower and when I came back I saw on the TV that the power had gone out (it just proves when I leave everything stops ;)) The game resumed and after a long struggle, unfortunately the niners didn't win :(.

Monday 4 Feb - Friday 8 Feb 2013

This week was full of rehearsals because the competition play is less than 2 weeks away!! We also had the musical auditions (which everyone in Advanced Acting had to participate in to get a good grade) so my friend, Shayna and I sung 'Fabulous' by Sharpay in High School Musical 2. We just had fun with it and didn't take it too seriously because we knew we couldn't sing too well. The rehearsals got more intense after Wednesday and we had 4 hour rehearsals!! The most exciting thing that happened this week was the excursion (or field trip as the Americans call it) to West Virginia University. We departed from Capital at 8am and began the 3 hour bus ride to north West Virginia, more specifically Morgantown. We spent the day learning about the Theatre programs available to study. We had a tour of the facilities (where I found out that there are 30 000 students enrolled at WVU and in your freshman year of university you must live on campus) and had lunch and dinner before we saw an opera show performed by some students at WVU. Carmen was the show and it lasted a long 4 hours, by this time it was 11pm and we still had to travel 3 hours home. We didn't get home till 2:30 am Saturday morning.

Saturday 9 Feb and Sunday 10 Feb 2013

Due to the excursion, I didn't get to travel to Canaan Valley with the Weintraub family so I spent the weekend at home, which was relaxing and nice to have some time to sleep in and watch some TV. It is also a long weekend because of a teacher training day so it's going to be a good weekend of doing absolutely nothing which I haven't been able to do in a long time!!

Until next time,

Ellie xxxx

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