Wednesday 27 February 2013

Update :)

Hey Guys,

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I have had so much on lately! I'm just going to include what exciting things I have done rather than go over all the days :)

So February 14th was Valentines Day! Valentines Day in America is so much different to that in Australia because they get so much more into it!! At the shops you buy small 'valentines' which are square cards that you write messages on for all the people you want to. They usually come in packs of 30. This year I wanted to go all out for Valentines Day in the American Spirit! I bought a basket and filled it with candy to give out to all the people at Capital High (especially considering that I wouldn't be able to give everyone a valentine and I don't know everyones name!!) So Valentines Day rolled around and I was able to wear as much pink and red as I liked! I got to school and saw the Valentines Day you see in the movies. Lots of roses and candy! I got to my table of friends and was met by Jalen, a guy from theatre who is so hilarious, who had a huge, and I mean HUGE, teddy bear for me! How sweet!! I gave out candy and valentines to my friends and started the day! By the end of the day I had gotten numerous valentines from all my friends plus candy and donuts (thanks Mallory!!) and I even got roses!! I also got engaged via ring pop! It was a great day!!

The main reason I haven't updated my blog is because I have been so busy going to rehearsals for the Region 6 Thespian Festival in which we will verse 4 other schools to get a place in States. Saturday the 23rd was the Regional Festival and the week leading up to it was so intense with rehearsals! We would run from straight after school (3:30pm) till about 8pm! Going over lines, blocking, costumes, transitory filler and so much more dedicated our rehearsals...but I wouldn't have it any other way because it gave me time to get to know the amazing people (and actors) that star in the play alongside me. They are the best bunch of people! They work so hard and are so kind, generous and welcoming. They are now my extended family <3 So Saturday came, and so did the 5am start!! We got there early to welcome each school (as Capital High was hosting the event!) and take them to their prep room. The nerves built and built. Mr Corbett gave us the best pep speech and we did a energy circle...then it was time to perform! I am a bird and the Dirt Merchant in this play, two very small roles, but that gave me the opportunity to watch and help others :) From what I saw, I thought the play did well and I was so proud of the performance that everyone gave! Then it was time for the results! After voting for Thespian Council, the results were announced.......Capital High........FIRST PLACE! WOOOOOO! We all jumped up and down so happy at our achievement! It was so rewarding for all the hard effort that everyone put in. I am so proud of my theatre family and how amazing of actors they are. They have truly defined my experience in such a positive way and I cannot thank them all enough for everything they have done! I love you all!!

So thats the major things that have happened in the past two weeks. On Friday and Saturday, I will be travelling to Columbus Ohio with the Weintraubs which will be my first out-of-state experience!! So excited!!

Miss you all,

Ellie xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

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